Jubilee’s governors are volunteers who have agreed to commit some of their time to making sure that Jubilee maintains the highest possible standards in every area. Our role is strategic rather than operational. That means we do not get involved in the day to day running of the school, but we are ultimately accountable for its success. We appoint the head teacher, who reports to us and attends all meetings of the Governing Body.
Our Instrument of Government can be found on our website and states that we aim to have a maximum of fourteen governors, made up as follows:
Parent and staff governors are elected and every governor is expected to serve a four-year term. At the start of the academic year, each governor signs the Code of Practice (see website) and accepts their legal duty to act only in the best interests of Jubilee.
The full Governing Body meets twice a term. These meetings are dedicated to general business, including scrutinising reports from the Headteacher and other school leaders and looking at feedback from a range of sources, including visits by outside agencies where possible, surveys and parental views. Matters we discuss include how the children at Jubilee are doing, the best ways to spend the funds we receive, and relevant local and national initiatives in education.
The full Governing Body delegates detailed oversight of some matters to two committees. See Terms of Reference below. The Teaching and Learning Committee discusses Jubilee’s curriculum and standards as well as issues related to children with special needs (SEND), use of pupil premium grant, and safeguarding and general wellbeing of children. The Resources Committee oversees finance, personnel, regulatory compliance, and premises.
Some of us act as Link Governors. That means we take a special interest in one specific priority or area of school life (for example the curriculum, SEND, pupil attainment, or safeguarding).
All the governors are committed to celebrating diversity, understanding race and challenging racism throughout our school community.
Role-of-a-School-Governor adopted 2023
Terms of Reference Teaching & Learning Committee 2023
Board of Governors, Declarations of Pecuniary Interest & Link Roles 2023_24
Governor Meetings Attendance-Jubilee 2021-22
Governor Meetings Attendance-Jubilee 2022-23
Instrument of Government (ratified 2023)
Jubilee Full Governing Board Terms of Reference Sept 2023
Resources Committee Terms of Reference September 2023
Financial Code of Practice Jubilee Primary School and Fernbank Children’s Centre