At Jubilee, we are passionate about giving children the very best experiences both inside and out. The outdoor environment is a positively powerful place where children can develop confidence and resilience. Children in Nursery and Reception enjoy weekly Forest school sessions for half a day. We currently have three teachers trained to Level 3 in Forest Schools.
Forest School is a long-term holistic learning process that aims to raise self-awareness and self-esteem in children and adults. Regular sessions take place in a woodland environment, where the landscape itself adds to the experience of the learning.
Qualified practitioners, trained in child development, self-esteem and learning theories facilitate sessions to gain personal outcomes for each child. Forest School can be applied to all age groups and abilities and can be linked to the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage.
Jubilee Primary School’s values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship directly mirror the principles of Forest School. Through engaging with nature and wildlife, children gain more knowledge and respect for their immediate environment and how we affect the wider environment in general. Small, achievable tasks and allowing children time to follow their own interests enables all learners to achieve, which will in turn increase self-esteem and confidence. This confidence translates into all areas of learning. Working in the outdoor environment gives children time to work collaboratively, learn to solve problems and take risks. The experience of regular Forest School sessions helps to build resilient, inquisitive and imaginative learners.