09 Mar Jubilee Receives Gold Artsmark Award

We are delighted to announce that Jubilee has been re-accredited with the Artsmark Gold award. This is in recognition of the creative arts offer at the school. The last 12 months have been very difficult for everyone, but we are hopeful and excited about being able to provide a full enriched creative curriculum and also to welcoming parents back for exhibitions and performances again. Here are a few comments made about the school’s submission:
“You clearly have a firm commitment to providing rich arts and cultural opportunities for your pupils at Jubilee Primary School, and this is now embedded within your whole school ethos. Art is evidently a strength in your overall arts offer – you have seen strong improvements in the planning and teaching of art due to the development of a new, rigorous and well-sequenced art curriculum, with a focus on pupils’ progression in skills. Your Art Room has been reclaimed as a dedicated space for your specialist teacher to work with children and staff on visual arts projects, with a particular focus on ceramics including investment in a new kiln.”
“Your schedule of performances across the school year ensures that every child has regular opportunities to showcase their creative talents, for example, in termly art exhibitions; drama recitals led by your LAMDA teacher; and in Disney musicals.”
“Your school’s music provision is commendable.”
Thank you to everyone, both staff and children, who have been part of the creative journey this year. We are looking forward to an exciting year of art and artistic projects!