The PTA isn’t just a small committee of people, it’s every mum, dad, carer, teacher, and member of staff who helps to fundraise for the school – whether you organise an event, bake cakes for a sale, donate to a uniform swap, or tidy up the hall after an event. It is our PTA.
Every parent or carer of a child at Jubilee is automatically a member of the PTA. The PTA also runs activities which help to build the community in and around the school, for example, by supporting extended branches of learning like the gardening and library committees. See upcoming events here.
We get together to support the school and the work it’s doing for our kids, and we’d like you to feel part of what we do:
Over the last few years, we’ve been supported by fantastic fundraising efforts from our school’s families, teachers and the community to buy things like laptops to support home learning during COVID, new books for the school’s classrooms, and new sound and lighting for the school hall. We’ve kept wearable uniform out of landfill, helped our children make memories, and given every child a gift at Christmas time.
Everything we do is done by volunteers for love of the school and all our Jubilee children. We’re open to new ideas and new ways of doing things – please talk to your class link person or email us at
We’d love to hear from you.
We’re a registered charity (number 1179031) with a committee of Trustees. We’re independent of the school and its Governing Body, but support each other.
Every parent or carer of a child at Jubilee is automatically a member of the PTA, with a say on who are the Trustees and how money is spent. It’s great to have you on board!
There are so many ways you can support our school, whether you have time, talents or just an interest in giving all our children more to work with. Please help us support our children and our school – every little helps!
Thank you to every single person who has baked, run, cycled, dug, collected, shelved books, cooked, put up gazebos, done the spreadsheets, and everything else there’s not space to mention. Everything goes towards improving school life for our Jubilee children.
We could not do any of this without you all. Thank you.